
Stretta Upload


Publish your arrangements & compositions simply by yourself!




Your benefits

  • Free upload
  • Large, worldwide reach
  • 60 % payout
  • Determine the sales price yourself
  • You retain all rights

Registration for the Upload Newsletter

Are you interested? We will keep you regularly informed about the status of the project by e-mail and invite you to the beta test.

Don't forget: Please verify your e-mail address after registering, otherwise you will not be added to the mailing list. Thank you and see you soon.

Note: Your data (name and e-mail address) will only be used to send information about the Stretta upload to the e-mail address you have requested. For this purpose, your data will be transmitted to the mailing service Brevo. Further information on this can be found in our Privacy policy.

How does the self-publishing of sheet music work?

We have created a platform for you to sell your sheet music. How does it work? First you need to create a customer account, from there you can go directly to the upload area. Here you can upload your pieces as PDFs, optionally with sound demos or playbacks as MP3s, add keywords (to make it easier to find your sheet music) and set the selling price yourself. In your account you can see how many of your downloads have been sold.

How much will I earn?

The platform itself is free and you set the selling price of your sheet music. Your share of a sale is 60% of the net sales price. At the end of each quarter you will receive a report of your sales and your share will be paid.

Who owns the rights?

All rights are yours. If required, you can also register your works with a copyright collective / performance rights organisation and thus earn royalties for public performances.

Can I use other music as a template for my arrangements?

This is possible without restriction for music in the public domain. In this case, You are bound by German law, which states that works are in the public domain 70 years after the death of all the authors involved (composers, lyricists, etc.). For works that are still protected by copyright, you must obtain the necessary rights from the authors or their publishers.

Can my digital sheet music be sold in printed form?

Yes, a print on demand service is planned. Your sheet music can be printed, bound and shipped to the customer after the order has been placed.

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